The beach

I like it best in winter
Just after the rain has gone
I lie upon the sand
Waiting for the dawn.

It’s the quietest of places
And I’m usually alone
Occasionally there’s a man and dog
Out to throw around a bone.

It’s pretty in the spring
When the sun goes down
It often makes me wonder
Has someone ever drowned?

It’s busy in the summer
They invade my private peace
Screaming kids who run and play
I wish they would just cease

Parents buy them ice cream cones
And leave them to their games
Sometimes they’ll have a barbecue
Never think about the flames.

I like the autumn chill
To feel the wind whirl through my hair
And watch the loved up couples
Sometimes they make me glare.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys,
All feedback is greatly appreciated.