
The tide is rising high,
and the waves are crashing down.

Light tries to shine through,
but it's smothered by the clouds;
they loom over my head.

Now wind starts to blow,
howling at this darkness forming
like a wolf howls to the moon.

Rain starts to fall from the sky.
A slow drizzle, then a fierce downpour.

Thunder rolls and lightning crackles
as I seek shelter within my own mind.

"There's always chaos before the calm,
so let's brace for impact."

It's time to sit down and
watch the storm unfold.
♠ ♠ ♠
Feedback on it so far? o:

*** Constructive criticism helps me become a better poet + writer, so if you see anything that could be fixed or touched up, [b]please comment on this poem[/b] as well as others! ***
Thank you!