
Pain isn't the issue
Its the reason for the pain
The memories, the loss
The feelings that are forever changed
The moment you try to forget,
Is the moment you start to regret
You think you deserve the worst
The unworthy of love, of forgiveness
Calling yourself every name imaginable
To you , the act you made is considered treason
You deserve, desire the death penalty
The guilt weighs you down
Pulling you further into the abyss
You're emotions crash into you like waves
You're submerged and consumed
They flood your mind
Drowning you in a cascade of words
The same words over and over
Unworthy, undeserving, treacherous
They seep into you're bones
Any shred of hope is extinguished
Only way to make it right
Only one way to stop the pain
Its not the way of the light