(Not Quite) A Small Town Girl

Let’s get one thing straight
I am not a small town girl
In fact.
I cannot stand that whole
One horse
One hit wonder

Population 500

Been stuck in this same rut since 1955

I like fast paced
And new age
Running on anti-gravity crowd surfing
And quick stop monster energy
In the middle of the street blurred by high way head lights
At night

Of the big bad city in which I was
Or was(n’t) born

And as much as the nos in my blood stream begs me
To move out of this what the even I don’t know
Big town small city I live in
(It’s indefinable that way.)

I always find myself tied by my hands and knees
To those backwards bug bitten one horse
Population 500

I can’t spend much time there though
You see I’m a sweet blood
And sitting around I often find myself chewed up
Eaten alive

And not in the good way either
It can be the middle of February and I’ve still got
Bites up and down these cooked and unclothed
Bruised up legs of mine
The veins make it hard to call them

And trust me when I say
I’d rather have that Beverly hills Chihuahua ankle biting at me
Then these blood sucking

And as much I want to say
Count me among these sleepless
City folk

I still find my sage brush scraped legs
Chasing lizards down a street with one lamp post
And those scratches don’t fit in
On fast paced dirty
City red curbed streets
♠ ♠ ♠
Everything here is intentional.