Tube Cutter

All alone in a room
all alone in the world
all alone at home tonight
but all alone in general

I feel so alone.
even with people by my side
i feel so alone.
That i break down and cry

I am so alone today
And i felt the same yeseterday
Hope that this feeling goes away
but it seems to want to stay

Holding me and dragging me
and pulling me down with it
the depressions is strong
but when its gone i know i will miss it

Its my only friend when im alone
Its my only enemy when im all alone
but Alone or not its all i know
and its all i got

all Alone in a room
with a Tube cutter
All alone at night
and it feels oh so right

Its okay i promise ill like it
the feeling of numbness over taking me
As i lose the ability to breath
all i know is that i took it with me

The depression is strong and mean
but its seems to be so nice to me
It feels so right being stuck alone
Im sort of excited for it not to leave

All alone in a room with a tube cutter
Placeing the blade against my neck
and squeezing the handles closed
I hardly felt a thing and it only lasted a sec

as the blood starts to trail down my open chest
the pain is gone and the emptiness is filled
the Loneliness is faded and it felt the best
As i drift away i cant help but thank that im healed

Falling into an empty embrace
of pain and mistakes
of dreams and hopes
that are never going to come true
Of dreams that i gave up on
and hopes that i forgot i had
Dreams of loving you
and hopes of being with you
times of truth are revieled
in times of pain and blood
but these cuts will never be sealed
never again will i have scars
never again will i have a heart
never again will i breath or cry
or see or lie
never again will i be or try
try to dream and try to leave
try to sing and try to bleed
nothing again will happen to me
after i was left all alone in an empty room
With a tube cutter