Bleeding Hearts And Pages

So full of light,
So full of color.
No one expected it.
You cried out for help,
We answered the call.
But we had to watch as you bled out,
The color draining.
All gone.
I should have done something,
I could have said something to stop you.

You ignored the ones I did give,
But maybe I didn't try hard enough,
Maybe It's all my fault.
How did I not notice it before it got this bad?
We all tried to stop you.
But ... I could have said something.
I don't know, done something.

Now it's just a draining page.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this at a time when I was trying to save a beautiful girl's life. I was not alone in trying to make her see the world needs her, but every comment I made felt like the weight of her death would be on my hands. She was close to passing out from bloodloss when she stopped.

I am so very proud of her.

I wish she knew that.