A broken heart

The first day we met it was paradise
but we never learned anything about us
just focusing on love but knew nothing about it.
and then as time passed words were written inside the book.

I'm falling in love like a baby with a brand new toy
without knowledge of whats coming ahead
but still filled with happiness and a heart that
hasn't been broken.
I still strive to love.

I fight this battle to maintain together
but there are others you find attractive and slowly
i start to think and ask myself what have i gotten myself into?.
I ask the angels to keep me safe so the devil wont come take me away.

Arguments bursts stronger than fire and we go at it
we need to stop its hurting us but I knew this was coming, I just didn't say anything.
I know if I'm set free like a white little dove it will destroy me forever and i think this is what she is trying to do.

I wake up the next morning with a bright sunlight on my face and noticed she wasn't there so I decided to give her a call
well I was sure ready for the news and the news turned out to be that she had seen me as a friend but the only reason she gave me a chance was because she felt bad for me and didn't want me to be alone.

I now have a shattered heart
a shattered heart that will never be fixed
and a heart that will never be happy
a heart that had never received love in its entire life.
I might as well end my life so i wont have to suffer anymore
and not have to worry about anything.