Death is Inevitable

Everything is done for a purpose.
Everything happens for a reason.
Life is given... but it is also taken.
You can't run, you can't hide from it.
It looms over everything.
It is always there, waiting to hunt.
The only thing that can avoid death is death itself.
For if you live, you must die.
To die, you must have lived.
That is one of the greatest truths.
Why do we fight death when it is not avoidable?
When you fight to live another day, you are a survivor.
But you will have to go through the pain, problems, and events of said day.
Death can be peaceful, or it can be painful.
You have to remember you must be at peace. must remember, that it would have happened anyway at some point.
If death is at your doorstep, don't fight, protect loved ones and friends.
If they threaten, fight, but you must welcome death for yourself, let it save you.
Let it take you away from the hard ships and tough times.
Death is our hero, but it is also our villain.
But you must not seek revenge... for you would not be at peace.
If you remember this, when your time comes to die... you will be at peace.
You shouldn't be afraid.
Welcome it.
Embrace it.
And just... die.
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I wrote this in one of my classes after reading life by who knows what. It is rated pg-13 because the content is for more mature crowds, blah, blah, blah whatever. I was really depressed if you couldnt tell. But personally i believe it is totally true