
It’s broken
The diamond kite
Four right triangles
Held by a strong cross
It used to fly so high
But no longer
There are holes now
In the fabric
And the steel rods are bent
So out of shape
It used to fly so high…
Is it even a kite anymore?
It’s ripped and it’s torn
Falling to pieces
What happened to it?
I used to fly it so high
Smiling and laughing
But it’ll never be the same
Because no matter what I do
Despite any attempt
Of making it fly
It won’t
It’s useless to keep trying
And tossing it up towards the sky
Only to see it crash
Into the ground
It used to fly so high
But look at it now
Four unrecognizable triangles
All ripped to sheds
And the steel rods
That once held it together
Are misshapen and rusted
We used to fly so high
My kite
You were beautiful
Once upon a time
You used to fly so high
But now I just cry
Because I can’t fix you alone
So broken you shall stay
My little kite