
The metal frame of the car crunching echoes in my ears, like the smashing of a million pop cans all in a row, and the glass shatters around me, as the midnight air stabs at my skin like it has never stabbed before.
I can smell smoke and I wonder if CC had put out her cigarette before I turn to the side and see her body had gone limp and so had mine. And I’m circling in the air above me, watching myself bleed from the cut on my head I don’t remember feeling and I remember all the wrong things I have done in my life
I regret calling Jamie fat in the fourth grade, and calling Thomas Tommy Four-Eyes in the second but you are my number one regret because even though I never knew you I practically killed you.
You hung yourself with the words they spewed from their poison tongues and I just laughed with the rest of the crowd that day. And I can hear the ambulance draw near as it dawns on me why you are the one I think about the most as I lay dying.
Because Jamie lost the weight, and Tommy got contacts but you will never get your breath back.