I Can't

I can't do this anymore. 
I can't be the person you want me to be.
I can't live a happy life.
I can't make you happy. 
I can't make anyone happy.
I can't go through this
and I can't let you go through it because of me.

I just want to die. 
Take the life I never gave myself.
Leave this place.
Relieve everyone
and myself
from the pain.

Let me die.
No one would care.
I wasn't good enough anyway.

I can't do this anymore.
I can't be what you want me to be.
I can't be anything to you, but a failure, 
an idiot,

And that's alright because I realize that I can't

I can't do this anymore.
I need to end the suffering now.
I am partially to blame, 
mostly to blame,
wholly to blame for the suffering and sadness.

All I can say is sorry.

I can't do this anymore. 
I can't.