The Visual is in Your Head

I am an artist.
I create beautiful things.
But like all art,
each individual finds something different in my works.

I guide my brush across the page, dragging my paint into the brushstrokes I desire.
Yet my brushes do not exist.

I diligently choose my colors to evoke the perfect mood.
Yet all is black and white.

The melody sways you as it dances in your ears.
Yet I am silent.

My art touches you,
makes you smile and weep,
makes you cheer and scorn,
makes you love and hate.

As colorfully bold as any other,
as painstakingly sculpted as any other,
as sweetly sung and passionately played and extraordinarily lived as any other…

My emotions are my paint.
My voice is my melody.
My words are my brushes.
My thoughts are your visions.

I am an artist,
for I am a writer.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this is response to feelings of slight. The person never said I wasn't an artist, but that was what I heard. This is my proof via example of my art.