Time Is a Battered Canvas

Does reach up and stroke the canvas of time with colors so vibrant, it demands the eyes of every being.
Focus now upon the angel, whisper the song of desire into their soul.
Desire; that coils to spring at the sight of your angel.
Yes they are yours, and you are theirs too. Rejoice for you are not alone, you may share the stars with them for they deserve every single one.
Brave the depths of the world to show your angel every form love takes and declare yourself insane with spells of romance dancing on your tongue!
Insane because love consumes you in all your entirety;
Every thought,
Every action
Every emotion, expression and idea.
I see the painting love has made on the canvas of time and I smile because it is a painting of us, and every couple before us.
A representation of perfection forever in the making...