I Need You

Why do I do this to myself?
I know that you’re no good.
You’ve done the worst things to me
But still you’re like my drug.

I see you In my dreams,
And in my future as well.
I need to let go,
Need to stop doing this to myself.

All I can do is sit alone and cry.
Listen to all those sad songs,
And think of you and I.

Everything feels okay when we’re together,
But then when we’re apart
My world crashes down.
I can’t stand to make a sound.

I don’t know what I did wrong,
Or why we fell apart.
I wish I could understand.
I don’t know where to start.

I love you so much,
I want you to understand.
I need you in my life.
Need you to hold my hand.

Please forgive me,
This is my only release.
I can’t stand to see you hurt.
But I need you to see.

I need you like a child needs their mother,
A blanket in the snow.
Ice cream on a summer day.
The death that brings the crow.

The sun rises and sets with you.
My world is consumed.
Thoughts of you,
And endless memories.

A child left alone,
Beaten and abandoned.
You’ve given up on me.
The dogs become rabid.

What did I ever do?