Tah-tah for Now

I can’t get your eyes out of my head,
As I collapse in the warmth of my bed.

So honest, so genuine, innocent, too,
And still I don’t know how I feel about you.

It should have been a ‘sorry, so long.’
I didn’t expect you to be so strong.

Your arms locked around me felt so right;
So, it’s only with myself I fight.

Two weeks ago, I made up my mind;
We had moved too fast, needed to rewind.

It was time for a firm, yet friendly good-bye,
But it caught in my throat, and I don’t know why.

Something in those eyes that adored,
Despite being for weeks ignored.

You stumbled into my life like some freak accident,
But could it be that you were Heaven sent?

And if you are a gift from above,
Who am I to deny your love?

Yet, regardless my own life sweeps me away.
Maybe we can revisit this moment someday

When we are not faced with a summer apart?
And maybe, just maybe, make a new start.