Tell Me

Tell me all your secrets

Tell me all your lies

Tell me all the little things

The people you despise

Tell me all your problems

The ones that you can't face

Tell me all your memories

The ones you can't erase

Tell me days of yesterday

Tell me what's tomorrow

Tell me days of happiness

Tell me days of sorrow

Tell me things inside your mind

And say what's in your heart

Tell me things you want to say

But don't know where to start

We jot down insecurities

In paper and in pen

And entrust the keys of fragile hearts

To the people we call friends

But when friendships start to crumble

And love goes rogue and stray

You'll shrivel up and knock them down

And close your heart away

So tell me if you trust me

With the secrets that you hide

Will you let me in your fragile heart

And see what's there inside?

Even though I've met you now

And, yes, the trees do bend

This is my wish; my only wish

I want to be your friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Written on March 23, 2013.