Can You Hear Me Now?

My life goes asunder
More often than not
It's the things that I've done
The things that I've not
I know you're out somewhere
Listening to me
If I let you into my heart
Will I hear you breathe?
You brought me to the edge
You're telling me to jump
You're holding out your hand
I'm scared for the drop
You hold your arms out and tell me to have trust
But the gravity of my past as so much weight, drag and thrust
what if I don't make it... I cry and I scream
You give me a gentle push and say,
Just believe.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not going to describe the meaning of this poem because I want it to mean something for everybody. My personal meaning would ruin it for anyone who has other ideas. The symbols at the top mean "trust". Love yourself. ♥