Dear Dad

Dear Dad,

How are you doing there?
Lying softly and sleeping perfectly,
I hope you'll read this when you wake up.
Mom's ok, but we're not doing good,
She lost her first job and she's stuggling on her second one,
Did I mention she's selling your stuff?
That's actually her job,
She even sold my toys that I loved so much for this thing
called drugs,
She even sold our whole house to get those,
Are they really that valuable?

She's suffering,
She's lying on your old bed,
Her skin very pale
her head blazing red,
The doctor said that she'll die in a week,
Now she's all depressed,
sadly lying,
and sick,
Now that I think about it,
Mom's not ok,
I'm not ok either,
What will happen to me?
I wonder

If you read this letter,
You'll know it'll come from your littlest son,
I wish big sister didn't do those drugs,
She would've helped me,
Now I'm all alone,
I'm going to a foster home now daddy,
Get a new family,
A new house,
I'm scared daddy,
what if they're mean,
What if they do the same thing you did,
I hope you'll help me dad,
After all,
you caused all this.

Your loving, littlest son,
♠ ♠ ♠
Written on September 28, 2010