Letter to a Mistreated Soul

Dear Little One,
Put away the knife
Please don’t end your precious gift of life
No matter how much dirt they throw in your hair
Or how much you think there’s no one to care
Forget all the times they pushed you around
When in their laughter your pleas were drowned
You don’t have to run away anymore
Or resort to self harm behind a closed door
Rid you eyes of all its tears
And your conscience of troublesome fears
No one should ever have to live this way
Such mistreatment is never okay
You are stronger than they will ever be
Just be who you are and then you’ll see
That being different is nothing bad
Your uniqueness is something of which to be glad
Don’t be afraid of a helping hand
Together we can take a stand
To stop bullying’s sinister threat
So don’t you give up just yet
Remember you are the winner in the end
With much love,
A caring friend
♠ ♠ ♠
Letter to anyone that's ever thought about suicide due to bullying. Stay strong.