Sweet Surrender Denied

Yeah, I'm still writing. It reminds me that I'm still alive.
That I haven't given up. I haven't surrendered to the knife..

Somehow, I'm still here. These sheets haven't been stained red.
I keep fighting. I keep struggling. I haven't surrendered to death.

And I haven't given in. I haven't tried to break my friends.
I haven't shared the pain. I haven't surrendered to the darkness.

I've given warnings, and a very small taste of what's yet to come.
I've retained my longest promise.. I haven't surrendered my love.

I'm keeping this fire burning. The monster continues his fight.
And though I'm right there with him.. I haven't surrendered my life.

I've thought up my revenge. I've contemplated all the many ways.
But I keep them all in my head. I haven't surrendered my faith.

Yeah, it breaks me to remember all of the times that I have cried.
But I still have strength left. Because the sweet surrender is denied.