You're Not the Person They Want You to Be

Come on beautiful give it a rest,
you tried and tried,
you’ve done your best,
your fear is out, you have cried,
you’ll never be good enough in there eyes,
your not the person they want you to be,
dyed hair, piercings, skinny jeans and band tees,
your not the model daughter anymore,
you’ve irritated and made them sore,
your parents are mad at you,
they don’t like what you do,
you’re a disappointment once again,
your weird and worthless,
your hurt and in pain,
the punches land on your tear strained face,
love me daddy, please I'm sorry,
take out all your worries,
blade to skin, it hurts no more,
your numb now, down to the core.
♠ ♠ ♠
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