Falling to Pieces

Watch my walk,
My slow stride,
My posture,
And how low I hang my head,

I lost all my confidence,
Happiness is such an odd concept to me,
I could never grasp it,
And now I can't hold onto a shred of it,

The strings that held me together,
Sewed in my joints and ligaments,
Are unwinding,
Coming undone,

The strings loosen,
And my limbs hang from my body,
My arms fall to the floor,
Then my legs hit the floor,

The chemicals that kept me together,
That made up my body,
Hair, eyes, salvia, bones,
Is turning black, spoiling,

My skin turns gray,
My hair is falling out,
My eyes turn the deepest yellow,
And lips are decaying from my face,

My body has failed me,
Cause my mind switched me off,
And decided I needed horrible, slow pain,
Right before I die,

Because all these mistakes,
My cruelties,
And all my misfortunes,
Have piled up in my mind,

As my vocal chords shrivel up to nothing,
My raspy soft screams fade to nothing,
No one ever heard as I fell apart,

My eyes depart from my body,
Along with my tongue,
I hit the floor,
Like a ton of bricks,

My body spasms,
And I whisp around,
Hitting my fallen limbs,
As my body oozes and foam leaves my mouth,

I die with a final exhale,
And I die how I deserve,
I die as the man I saw myself,
I died how I deserved to die,
Broken down, alone, and like a coward.