Our Hero Has fallen

He sits upon his pedestal;
The hero,
Smiling and waving at us;
His loyal subjects,
The victims he’s saved from ourselves.
People he trusts.
However, we’re not as loyal as he thinks.
Some rant and cry and attack the stone on which he sits,
Waiting for the wrong move that will send him crashing down.

His smile flawed and his waving ceased.
Our hero has fallen off his perch above us,
Down to the rocky ground below.
He’s broken and bleeding, not able to stand.
It is time for us, his adored crowd;
His angels,
To forget about trying to destroy him,
And to heal him, instead.
To give him our wings and lift him back up from the dirt.
To repay him for all he has done for us,
To keep him from making his mistakes.
Our hero has fallen.