Never Forget

Never Forget

The way I feel around you,
It's indescribable,
Impossible to forget,
No, I'll never forget.
That nice feeling,
Of you kissing my cheek,
Oh, my right cheek.
I won't forget,
How it started with a simple close hug,
And ended with that amazing feeling,
Of your lips on my skin.
I can't forget.
No, I'll never forget.
Your lips,
So soft,
So tender and sweet,
When you leaned in and landed them right on mine.
I'll never forget.
That amazing feeling,
The shock and all.
You and your lips,
Won't be forgotten.
And just knowing you're finally mine,
There's a stunning feeling in the world.
But when you were gone,
Or even when you leave,
Oh, it's terrible!
I'll never forget the difference.
When that feeling is incredibly painful,
I feel my heart,
My very soul, even,
Being ripped out of my body and disconnected from every bone,
Every muscle,
It's dreadful.
Oh, no. I'll Never Forget It.
But when you appear again,
It's amazing!
The Sun comes back to life from its hibernation,
And the Stars help the Sun bring fascinating light.
My heart magically repairs itself,
And a smile, oh so big,
It's spreads across my face from ear to ear,
As I await for you to walk by,
And just be with me.
It's amazing.
And I'll never forget it.
Nor will I forget your gentle kisses,
Or every feeling I've gotten because of you,
Or standing side by side,
Hand in hand,
Standing in the bright light of love and pride.
I'll never forget,
How we loved each other
But will you?
♠ ♠ ♠
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