You're Gone

You’re Gone

Where am I supposed to go,
Now since you're gone?
Who do I go to now?
I only wanted you.
But now you're gone.
So empty inside, so sad,
But you had to leave.
And now, you're gone.
How was I able to just expect you to be here,
With me, forever?
But now that you're gone,
My expectations have changed.
You couldn't stay with me forever.
You wouldn't stay with me forever.
I begged you not to go,
But you did,
And now you're gone.
I need you here.
I want you here.
Just us together,
Is all I need.
But it's different for you.
You're gone.
You left me.
You don't care for me.
You never did.
I know it,
Because you're not here with me.
You're gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
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