Pensar en Ti

At first I was scared
to let myself fall.
So I held myself back
and built up a wall.

It soon fell to pieces,
crumbling before your smile.
You toppled through layers
I hadn't seen in awhile.

But quickly you reached me,
and I was hardly surprised,
for you were the hero
my heart had devised.

Euphoria effervesces through my chest
when I see you beam your enthralling grin.
Like a lighthouse through the thickest of fog
it guides me home safely, bringing me in.

Your words wrap around me,
carrying me to such great heights,
squeeze me with splendor,
and keep me warm at night.

Making you laugh fills me up
over the top with a glorious grandeur.
I so wonder the joy it would bring me
to make you laugh tous les jours.

For once, I can feel my life pumping,
surging, cascading through my veins.
You make my heart beat in hues so new
and über alles this feeling reigns.

Before I met you, I had no idea
just how easy falling could be.
Because no matter the time, the town, the tongue,
siempre estoy pensando en ti.