Little Miss Susy

Little Miss Susy

One, hot sunny day,
Little Miss Susy went out with her daddy.
They went to the park.
They laughed.
They played.
They even got ice cream with each other.
Little Miss Susy and her daddy were having tons of fun.
As midday came,
More and more people arrived at the playful park.
Little Miss Susy made lots of new friends,
As well as her daddy.
Finally, her daddy had met a mommy.
Little Miss Susy had befriended her daughter.
This is what they had been waiting for.
They’ve been befriending people all day.
Until they met a mom and her kid.
The mommy and little girl were very sweet.
They were very well-mannered.
They scheduled a play date.
The very next day, they would meet up at the park.
And that, they did.
The little girl’s mommy drove to her house,
Leading Little Miss Susy and her daddy there.
Once they arrived, the play date began.
Inside the house, doors were locked.
And the real fun began.
Little Miss Susy slit the little girl’s neck.
Her daddy, standing behind the girl’s mommy,
let the mommy see her baby die.
She began to cry, shocked, scared, confused.
Before anything else, Little Miss Susy’s daddy slit her throat.
Little Miss Susy laughed and her daddy asked,
“Was that fun, my little girl?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know.. Creepy and a bit disturbing. Please subscribe and suggest my piece! Feel free to comment! :)