they set the perfect scene

they set the perfect scene.
two lovers in a sea of turqouise blue
and emerald green.
they warmed eachother
from the inside out.
the night curled around them,
like a chilling embrace.
it made the moment
so serene.

it reminded her of other days she had seen.
where he was not the one next to her.
they could hardly compare.
nobody else
has ever made her heart sing.
he has a way of fixing everything.
with every gentle kiss.
with every soft whisper.
he brings her closer.

theres a hush.
a sense of wellbeing.
a feeling of strength and love.
it calms her.
and sets her free.
this was a chance.
an escape
from everything that had ever hurt,
or made her question her self worth.

in that moment.
she knew she was strong.
she knew she could hold on to him.
no matter what it meant she'd lose.

the night came to a beautiful end.
just like in the movies.
only so much more real.
there was only a soft whisper.
a quiet goodbye.
she wanted to hold onto him.
she knew this had every chance.
of occuring again.

so for another time
she said goodbye
and had faith in him.
that tommorow would be the very same.