The Safety of Words

I’m searching for solitude
In the solitary soul of a statement
The sanctuary of your voice
Smooth and safe
Concealed in your embrace

Je veux t’embrasser
Et je veux que tu m’embrasse
Pour toute la nuit et toutes les nuits
Dans tes bras
Je deviens calme

And the calm of the night creeps forth
Caressing the stars
And careless hearts collide
Among timber but with kindling and tinder
And sparks that cascade onwards

Et il y a un histoire
Avec l’amour vrais
Qui se passe cette fois et les fois encore
Mais nous sommes ensemble
Et je t’adore sans peur

With the wind and the wonder
And stories whispered overnight
I await the safety of three words and our names
Wandering whatever way we’re taken
Weathering the uncertainty
Withstanding the possibilities
Because the words are safe in your voice
And in mine
And I promise
Je promets
L’amour est fort
And our strength will win over hardships
Et la sécurité des mots
Me sauvera
♠ ♠ ♠
Translations of the French parts:

I want to hold/kiss you
And I want you to hold/kiss me
All night and every night
In your arms
I become calm

And there is a story
With true love
Which happens time and time again
But we are together
And I love you without fear

I promise
Love is strong
And the safety of words
Will save me