i am the pen to your paper

lets lay under the stars,
and just for tonight,
in this single moment
its just the two of us.
engulf me.
set me alight like a flame to paper.
can you make me feel whole?
can you make me feel like nothing else in the entire world matters?

ill lay next to you,
until the first signs of daylight appear.
ill fall asleep on your shoulder.
and feel like im completely at peace.

this is more then ive ever hoped.
every night you left me alone,
theyre all made up for in this minute second.

i breathe in the cold air.
i breathe in everything that you are.
and i am nothing.

i am a grain of sand on the longest beach.
im a blade of grass in a feild of wild flowers.
i am a flec of light in the sunrise.
in the same way that i am so small,
i feel bigger then the tallest tree,
or the largest ocean.

but most of all.
i am beautiful,
i am your beloved,
i am the only one you see.

and i cant say it doesnt feel damn good.
to be everything you ever hoped
and moreso.