Our Love

We are an odd couple,
always full of smiles.
We laugh all the double
and miss each other every mile
we are apart, everyday, every vacation
we don't get to see the other.

So desperate, we wish school would come faster
just to catch a glimpse
of the face we love so much.
Just to touch,
to hug, to kiss
basking in the eternal bliss
if only for a moment.

Not always together at every party,
but always admiring each other
for the things we do best.

Fighting like an old married couple
but instantly forgiven when we see the puddle
of tears on the ground.

Taking both the good and the bad,
you watching me get so mad,
then looking at me and saying "I'm sorry."

Constantly trying to compare to the "ideal"
then realizing this is something only we can feel.
Our love.