
"Please hear me call your name--my plea"
I have always been by your side
Just like a true night I am there
It is my duty to protect you

"Hear me call your name"
But you are making it hard to protect you
The darkness shrouds you as you use it to flee, you flee, you run away from me

"I am" the dull star in the sky
I will follow you where ever you so go
Through the bleak depths of hell
I will call out for you

The endless road you now walk
The dark fate you have chosen
Though our lives are done
I refuse to let your soul perish before it's time
All of the blood--it covers the ground
All of the tears--they form rivers
But if you look the sky you will see a single, lone, dull star

"Please hear me scream--can you hear my shrill plea?"
All of this time
When you told me to save you
You would run off into danger
As if you wanted me to never stop standing

"Hear your name"
"You are" the beacon of demons
They seem to creep up where ever you are
Craving that sinister soul
That has been tainted over the years

The final path we now tread
The destiny nears its end
My life for yours
I want you to know that you were worth my death
All of this blood--it was mine
All of these tears--they fell from your eyes
But if you look to the sky you will see a single, lone, dull star

"I am" the dull star in the sky
I will follow you where ever you so go
Through the bleak depths of hell
I will call out for you

The endless road you now walk
The dark fate you have chosen
Though our lives are done
I refuse to let your soul perish before it's time
Even though my blood paints the earth
Even though your tears fill the streams
You must look to that damned sky and spot out your single, lone star

"Please hear my plea"
"Please hear me scream"
"Please look for that dull star"
As your knight I will always be there, some way, to protect you