Linguistic Magic

Words abound
On a page
Roll off the tongue
Sounds written down
Strung to-geth-er in-to syl-la-bles
Compacted into words
S p a c e d o u t and punctuated.
Grammatically of course
To form sentences
And long paragraphs

Such power contained
In the simple word
Merely sounds and scribbles
Applied to objects and emotions
Of every kind
And employed to label the world
With meaningful significance

The spoken word
Has many hidden qualities
The same word can mean different things
Depending on your tone

Be careful with your tongue

As humans
We take words for granted
Our ability to communicate
Learned from an early age
The language that surrounds us
Never stopping to contemplate
The origins of the
Overlooked liguistic delicacy
That in this modern time
We abuse daily