
You think your so smart,dontcha?
Come over here and stomp on my heart wontcha?
I swear,you,you player,your a cheater,
You keep changing notches on my love-o-meter

Every action you do,the meter may alter,
Be rude,then it will falter.
It always goes down,it'll drasticly plummet,
But somehow,the next day,the meter will summit.

Its obvious your not a cheater who messes with another girl,
Im talking about how you leave my mind in a whirl.
Its funny,your my weird little knight in shining armor,
Youve got the looks,but I think your a farmer.

I know you think its strange,and although thats true,
You cant blame me,the fault's all you,
You give me all I need,all I want to be satisfied,
But then you cut me down,reject me when I get to mesmorized.

You cant blame it all on me ya know,
Its not a typical situation,sooo...
How am I supposed to know if it turns out alright?
Please tell me,so I wont have a restless night!

Getting back to the meter situation,
I still love you,after every altercation.
You insult me,mess up my day,fuck up my world,
Then say something that makes my heart race and my fingers curl.

I cant judge you on a scale of 1 to 10,your simply to perfect,
But going through all this heartache,some how isnt all worth it,
Whats fucked up,is how its beyond my control,
Looks like your little tricks are taking their toll.

Youve went out with two of my closest friends,Yaritza&Ebony,
Those relationships both ended with pain&agony,
Not for yall,but for me,
Gosh,must I spell it so you can see?!

I knew how you felt about them,
So I set yall up so ya feelings could stem.
When yall were loveydovey,to ignore ya Id sing,
Till one day Yaritza told me the funniest thing.

She actually broke up with you,
Cause she found out your feeling for her werent true.
She would sit there and watch you watch me,
You thought I didnt like you,so you let me be.

Only,if only,we could have admitted how we felt,
Sooner,we'd have loved longer,I wouldnt be a notch on your belt,
Honey,darlin,these words are long over due,
I cherish,appreciate,and vastly love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Any thoughts?