The One-Way Mirror

The one-way mirror

Trapped in the dark room
Alone with these wild thoughts
Surrounded by the one-way mirror
Feeling exposed to the world
Spinning, circles upon circles
Looking to the mirrors, crazy
Seeing the crazy, lost girl
I don't know who she is 
Who is she?

The outside. 
People see her struggle
They know she is defenseless
Laughter, Hate, Stares
She can't feel them, they don't care
The one-way mirror, a shield 
She can't know if she can't see

Crazy, lost girl
She has a name,
Not many know or care
She is part of society 
Bound to be excluded from
I know who she is, 
Because that girl is me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Being hurt constantly, and by the people I grew up with... It's exactly how I feel.