
Why do I still bother to show up?
It's not like anyone wants me there
I really can't smile anymore
Even the Grim reaper can't make me care

Can't see me, or don't want me
Regardless, it really hurts
The only way out of hell
is in the back of a hearse

There is no colour anymore
Life has all gone to grey
The only true warmth is
how nice it would be to die today

I'm slowly dying inside
Your fault, my fault, who can tell, who cares?
The only important thing is that it's not getting better
Could someone be here for me, just for once, if you dare?

But it's still all quite well
Your smile says that you are happy
I'll continue to conceal my depressed sorrow
for your joy, I'll keep my life crappy

I can't go on much longer
My life evermore fades away
If this should be the last time that you see me
Let me give you a hug, and wish you a good day