Broken Bones and Broken Hearts

I love her so much
Now the image of her spirit I clutch
Why has this drawn as lengthy as a pattern? So long, it reaches saturn
An amazing girl who sails not upon another fellow's ship
That's all the extravagance that I wish
Is the burden a fault of mine?
Does the universe plan to send back a naked hook as I cast my line?
Now as the train passes
My leg broken as a twig
She'll be gone by morning no matter how fast I dig
This displeasure could reach deeper into hell, this is what they all tell
But still this pain poisons my soul
I must fight to keep the glow of optimism alive
For another dive down a lane of depression
Shall twist my ankle further in tension
Natali thinks I always parade the best phrases from my tongue
Rose thinks failure has been set by yours truly
And stands as nothing but foolery
Rafaelle claims she'll be expectant of sexual appetite
Each of these opinions has a right
But after this day, I'm up for the challenge
Because no matter what
An amazing girl is out there who loves me
I can always count on that fact for sure
♠ ♠ ♠
To anyone who has ever faced challenges in life like broken bones and heart break, keep holding on. You will make it through this if you stay strong.