A Fork in the Road.

A fork in the road.
When you find yourself at a fork in the road, which do you take?
Do you take the straight, narrow road, where you see what lays before you?
Do you take the one filled with Another’s love, and Another’s hate?
The one where you are adored yet controlled.
The one where you say “yes” to a life of housewifery.
And lose yourself.

Or do you choose something else.

Do you choose the long winding path, which you cannot see?
Loneliness, ghouls, and other monstrous things.
Or happiness, and freedom.
You do not know.

Which road do you choose?

I don’t think I am strong enough.
♠ ♠ ♠
NGL this is depressing. I'm at a crossroad. Do I stay or do I go?