The Woman and the Witch

unwound among the orderly

the witch advances upon her prey

the cowering woman slinks back among the trees

and waits for her time to die

the witch seeks out the woman hidden in the forest

and pursues her in the long awaited chase

both quick on their feet but one slightly quicker

as the witch pounces on the woman

and sinks her teeth deep into the woman’s spine

her teeth become buried in flesh

and the sweet and savory taste fills her maw

the slow rot of decaying flesh bids the witch to hurry

she makes her way down to the heart

and holding it one last time she tears it to shreds

the witch knows she has the woman’s heart

for they were lovers once

before the woman’s time came

to take on the body of a witch

the witch howled in pain as the woman’s soul took over the witch’s body

and the witch was then no more
♠ ♠ ♠
Morgan's poem