The Rampaging Winds

a soft breeze fills the air

cool and gentle, lovely and fair

the breeze blows through a lovely lake

and over and under all who wake

the breeze blows by a bloke or two

it blows until it’s too tired to

it blew around a sunlit creek

and over several mountain peaks

and then it blew, that gentle breeze

onto a pair of wayward bees

it blew and blew and blew and blew

and reached us all a time or two

one day it blew some petals down

from a tree onto the ground

a wandring fellow picked them up

and put them in a poisoned cup

he gave the cup to a lovely girl

who drank it then began to hurl

she screamed for help but no one came

except the wind of little fame

she loved the wind that lovely girl

it loved her back and with a whirl

it blew the fellow off his feet

it blew him off a mountain peak

onto a lake and through a creak

and through a meadow, dull and bleak

it left him there to stay and die

and on the seventh of July

that’s what he did, that evil bloke

he died just then and never woke
♠ ♠ ♠
Morgan's Poem