Forever Yours

see it’s burning you inside out
you can’t breathe the way you hate yourself
no one hears you screaming
kneeling on the floor
can you even feel it sink in
the cuts on your skin
marks of the devil
engraved on every inch of you
let me help you
trace every cut and scar until the all disappear
all that’s left is my love for you
can you see it through the clouded memories
i was always there
holding you until you stopped screaming
the pain is gone
i love you
can you love me without loving yourself
the scars are gone and it’s only you and me
is this worth living for
is it worth dying for
if you die i follow
forever yours
please don’t leave me
♠ ♠ ♠
Morgan's poem
She didn't have a name for this one, so I named it