You Cannot Touch

Look at me!
I'm flying, soaring far out of reach,
and you cannot touch me.
You may look, you may gaze in wonder,
but you may not touch.
My hair a curtain for my face thrown back in the wind,
my eyes windows to my soul to high to gaze into,
my arms spread out like wings,
and i'm flying,
and i'm soaring,
like an angel,
like a butterfly,
like a bird.
The world a masterpiece from above,
a thing of wonder,
of majesty.
But, you cannot see it,
and you cannot marvel at it's beauty or laugh at how tiny it looks from so far up.
It is I and only I who can see the wonder from close up and far away,
feel the wind on my face,
touch the stars,
the moon,
and laugh.
Laugh because this is reserved only for me,
because this is all for me,
and you cannot touch.