Backdoor Enthusiast

Wickedness taps on the dullness of your soul
The calling you never disappoint
Sincerity left for dead
Cold and alone as you left it
Getting off on
Barbaric tendencies

The better judgment you shot out of orbit
The stars weeping in pain
Your forgotten heart
Your fallen embrace
The admiration that I thought was diamond-pure
All of it now
Just ten thousand leagues under the sea

I’m forever nauseated
The lies you spooned to me
A recipe for disaster
This nuclear meltdown
Can never be undone

Go ahead
Dance in the deceit
While you still can
Celebrate this tragic end
Because it won’t be long
Before karma
Comes knocking down your door
The party crasher of them all

Cloak yourself in cowardice
Feed on my pain
Hit me right where it hurts the most
The target’s on my back
So take the easy way out
Just like you always do
Forever a backdoor enthusiast

2012 Vincent Cuccolo