Kiss of Death

His smile faint, his touch turning colder now,
Blood drips from his bottom lip,
Blood seeping out from his wounds.
Wishing to escape the pain.
The love between him and kiss killer prolonged his fate.
His soul shattered, as his heart begins to throb,
All the beatings and torturing flashes across his eyes...fading...
She pulls the knife out watching the blood soaking through the carpet.
Slowly wiping the bloody blade across her tongue,
Taking in its sweet taste, savoring the moment.

Months later they come for her...
Sitting before the judges leer.
Her life now in the fate of a piece of paper.
Cringing at that thought,
Shots of electricity shot down her spine as she hears the verdict.

Walking down the hall in a brand new orange jumpsuit
Her pale face, her innocent look betraying her.
Other women spot her and call out to the others,
Their hands like vice grips grabbing at her clothes and pulling her into the cold jail cell bars,
Security takes their time pulling her away,
The echo of laughter haunts her as she is led to her cell.

They would never know
Never ask why this girl torn apart
Never knowing why she killed him
Never watching the beatings she took from him
Didn’t see her live in fear, in pain, in heartache from the man she loved

Alone she sits in the corner of her jail cell wondering to herself
Would she die young in her cell, would she rest in heaven?
Or would she face the devil in the hot fiery flames of hell
Would she be remembered as a hero, or a villain for standing up for herself?
Little did she know...she wouldn’t live to see the next day