Society Ruined the Girl

Society ruined the girl
She's always been so afraid of the world
All she wants is to be loved
But day after day, she just gets pushed and shove
They drive her to the point where she just wants to escape
After a long time of abuse, she's in pretty bad shape
She suffers from depression and self harm
There's scars all up her arm
She skips meals all the time, hoping to be skinny and perfect
But all this torture just isn't worth it
The girl realizes she has a connection with music, which she listens to every day
When she listens to it, she feels hopeful and happy; she finally has a reason to stay
Even though the girl still has problems and her life is tough
Music is there for her, even when things are rough
Now she's learned to focus on the things that make her feel hope
She no longer has to sit around her house and mope
I hope after reading this poem, you will all see
That the girl society ruined is me