
Can we go back a while
To when words were new and clever
When time was new and finding ways
To have me redefining never

When nights were warm and not alone
But we still found ourselves a way
To break apart from other’s charm
And searched for what to say

Can you take me back to slightly after
When words were clear but new
And speaking them was still uncertain
But I still knew they were for you

And leaves were falling and wind was cold
But you and I were close
And chilling air was thrilling and there
Were some clichés we liked the most

Can I go back with you a little
To when words were shared and meant
To when my heart raced right through my chest
And what I thought I knew was bent

And snow was bright upon the ground
And trees were offering rest
And memories were made for me
And labeled as the best

Can we go forward also
With new adventures to share
With seasons and discoveries
And embraces and repair

With love and pure serenity
And words that we find true and clever
While I’m still here and finding ways
To define the word forever