
It's so unreal -- so surreal.
The memories we shared,
and feelings we once had.
How they are gone.
How I used to be your number one.
How plans have changed..
But life is prone to change.
Maybe different.. is okay?
Maybe it's better;
that we went our separate ways.
Maybe it's not so bad after all.
There will always be some rays,
through the dark clouds on rainy days.
And maybe we will find the sunlight.
Just maybe -- some day.

But, if we stay stuck in these April showers,
let's remember how we used to talk for hours.
Let's cherish what we had,
regardless of what we may
or may not currently have.
♠ ♠ ♠
My ex-boyfriend and I broke up after 2 years. It's been two months, now. I talked to him for the first time, in person, since that day and came home and immediately wrote this.