The Confession of Gerald Theodore Ellis

Oblivious they stand, laughing in the midst
Unaware of the one fighting to exist
When one does not look, one will not see
And this is why every detail is important to me

Every detail, like the scratches on his arm
Every detail, like the fake smile, the forced charm
Every detail, like the freshly changed suit
He’s really quite clever; his changes were minute

But I saw him do the unspeakable deed
That’s right, nobody saw him, nobody but me
Dragging his prey into the night
Fixed on his task, ignoring my sight

So now I return to the house, searching for that body louse

He still wore his suit and metallic cologne
He still cherished his space, always alone
No longer were the nasty abrasions
He had acquired on those dreadful occasions

Perhaps the time had cleared his mind
But what cleared his, had only defined mine
For it was his deed that kept me awake at night
And haunted every detail of my life

Tell me now, how is this so?
I ask you rhetorically, because I fear you already know
What sums up scratches, blood, and wandering screams?
Those walks in the night, weapons up your sleeves?
Hiding the body, buried beneath the leaves?

A year has passed; here I stand at his door
The only one who knows his statement was lore
He fooled the guests, the badges, even the courts
But not me, I knew he to be an unreliable source

So now I stand, knock knock knocking
Ready to reveal something so utterly shocking
he opens the door and my hate starts to swell
my anger turns to something I simply can’t quell

I was planning on waiting, an artful reveal
Making him squirm would’ve held such appeal
Making him know he’d been made, he’d been caught
But I just couldn’t help myself, I killed him on that very spot!

Revenge was mine that night, you see
I’d like to say I’m sorry, but I won’t say what cannot be
I enjoyed killing that excuse of a man
You could hardly say I was his biggest fan

And so you read my confession before you
I’d say come arrest me, but I really should warn you
I won’t go quietly and so I advise
That you let me roam freely, it’s really most wise

By now I have gone, ventured into the night
I’ve really only written this so my conscious feels right
I have no intention of ever being found
But I recommend you find her, she’s buried on his grounds

You’ll see that I’m right; he was a killer after all
And my crime next to his, is really quite small
I may sound deranged, and that I accept
but you all let a killer go; I had to intercept

And with that I bid you gentlemen goodnight
Sleep well, don’t let the bed bugs bite

Or do.
♠ ♠ ♠
a creative writing english assignment

“The rational world is like a still pond, and madness is a jagged rock thrown into it, creating ripples”