A Mother's last wish

Do you like it when I touch you
I don't
Do you like making fun of me
I. Despise it
Please no more pain
No more hits and punishments
Don't touch me
I'm scared you
I hate your voice when drunk
I am your wife
I deserve better
Do you like hurting me
I want you to leave
My child doesn't deserve you
You waste every penny on her
And your achohol
Am I not there to you?
I am there
We've been together for 5 years
Maybe I should leave this world
As I am saying this
As I Am slitting my arms
My legs
My back
My torso
There is blood everywhere
It's like red silk flowing everywhere
My child I hope to see her
She deserves better
But I leave her in my sisters care
They will love her
Something you never did with me
Please let me die
And watch my girl from above
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this as a grand though of mine when I think of those without a mother for her husband has left them and they think he didn't love her. The sadness of a mother is greater than others.