Raindrops on Flower Petals

Sometimes it's the little things in life
That make the day worthwhile
As basic as your favourite book
Or a stranger's smile

Raindrops on flower petals
After a thunderstorm
While you drank tea in your worn-out sweater
Cozy, safe, and warm

The warm vibrations of a kitten's purr
As he nuzzles to your chest
His tiny sounds of innocence
As his breathing calms in rest

Waking up in winter
To freshly fallen snow
Marshmallows in hot cocoa
When you have no place to go

All alone in calm November
While walking through the trees
Early morning fog surrounds you
As you step through crackling leaves

The sparks made by a fireplace
While you're curled up by the window
Sipping coffee with swirls of cream and foam
Watching children laugh in the snow

The smile of an attractive stranger
As he passes by
An admiring glance, a planned-out wave
Followed by a lonely sigh

Nothing beats the smells you love The smell of coffee and books and rain
A lazy Saturday spent browsing
In the book shop down the lane

The smell of fresh-baked cookies
Sugar, flour, and lots of care
Ooey gooey chocolate chips
With plenty extra just to share

There are so many little things in life
That make it so worth living
Smiles and laughter and blowing bubbles
The fuzzy feeling you get from giving

Painting and reading and writing too,
Even the tiny things can be so big
Just find the little things that you love
They can be reason enough to live
♠ ♠ ♠
Sometimes you need to take a break from trying to see the entire picture of your life and focus on the tiny details, the little things that make you smile from day to day.

Keep your chin up. Say hello to a random passerby. Laugh as the grass tickles your toes. Give an old lady some flowers. Pet a puppy.
Be happy.

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